Touch is ecstasy

 Sept 4, 2024. 1736 hrs.

Its a tremendous feeling of excitement after reading this book. 

I have read 3 of Gretchen's books. "The happiness project" was my first exposure to Gretchen. She was very eloquent in describing feeling. Not too vulgar, but just right amount of naked expressions. And i have been falling for her since. 

My family, my mom especially is a hugger a kisser. I inherit the same character more than my 2 siblings. I kiss my mom and dad and son in lips and its very casual, my husband finds it awkward and strange. I kiss my girlfriend in cheeks. And i I always use touch to elevate connection with patients. All of my patients are female thankfully. 

As an obgyn, its hard to make people feel comfortable. Litothomy position is always awkward. I sensed that touch helps my patients to relax. I would touch the knees to assure them that everything is gonna be okay. And i never think that touch is also a strategy to make people relax and free from anxiety. I thought it was just my instinct until Gretchen said it out loud. 

Living in the states was like living my ownself. Im responsible for my own name, my religion, and my country. And finding that hug was a common way to build connection, i felt more like myself. I love german hugger, so sincere. 

Reading the book brings all good memories. Being a muslim from indonesia, we dont much hug at the beginning. But away from sexual intention, a sincere hug helps people. A lot. So unfortunate that it is not our culture and i stop practicing hug. 

Funny story thou how i like hug people, in certain circle i still kiss and hug. But now to hug a fellow male afser, i need to ask my husband for permission. Even thou my husband was exposed also to this hugging culture. I guess to him it exceeds his personal limit maybe. Lol and sad. 

And reading this, oh so much i long for zero barrier in expressing how some people meant to me. Sincere hug is so relieving i cannot portray. 

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