the struggle to believe in something bigger

 Sept 2, 2024 0734

the last one week has been unpleasant. but i fake it till i feel it. like i usually do. 

back when i was in residency i bumped into Kendl, an AFSer never met him in highschool, found out that we had something in common when i was in Jatinangor. Kendl took dermatology, i thought it was an easy minor. it wasnt. theres nothing easy when it came to residency. but he, gracefully said, "find little sparkle that keeps you going."

and here i am trying so hard i wanna puke to see little sparkles. we're gonna go retrospect. 

sometime in 2005

teguh and i was competing for representing school for newscaster competition. i had been working my ass off  for weeks improving my pronunciations and intonation. and i failed and broken hearted. my logic tried to comfort me, 'yaelah din, he spent such and such year living abroad ohio if im not mistaken,. u r just out of league.' and life goes on, still meeting each other every week, learned a lot from him as sparring partner in debate team. strived for many other competition as one team. 

sometime in 2006

teguh and i again enrolled for  exchange student program. its a 2 year long selection, started with 8000 students around indonesia. i passed, he failed. we went our own ebbs and flows. i told my mom, that a year ago i was having my low, and 2006 was my year, a lot of ups. snd this teguh has been my story, i always referred to that particular phase of my life. and i learned in a competition, no one really compete to each other. they compete with their ownselves. karena sebenernya ceritanya udah ada, how it ends is already written. 

July 2024, in Madinah.

i found one interesting particular person. but i believe in Holy Land, Allah makes a precise step to each individual. 

my cousin went to madinah also but with different travel agency, stayed in the different hotel. small chance i believe we would bump into each other in such big masses, unless we planned it prior. but turned out, we crossed each other on the way back to hotel one day after ashar. we took a picture, send it to our moms. the pict would be delightful for them. mas joko bilang, "lihat dari segini banyak orang, kita ga janjian, kita ketemu, siapa yg nuntun langkah kita kalo bukan Allah?"

i had been praying i could have 1-2 minutes to say hi (and bye) to this interesting particular person. i did not get the chance. until i went back to jeddah to madinah. i finally learned, everytime i prayed for Allah protects me, then Allah will protect me. for not reaching my wish was also because Allah planned so, He has been protecting me all the time. 

August 2024, in hospital

president was coming to our hospital. a lot of extra work a week prior his arrival. we do as we told, i tried to finish the obligation one by one. wishing i didnt have to take my work home. turned out the feeling was like extra exhausted, dull anticipation, not an excitement nor numbness, ga tau apa, rasanya asing, mungkin rasanya seperti mau ujian SOOCA (a kind of exam where i need to stand in front of the class explaining about one case and how it starts, from risk factor to therapy. 4-5 examiners would watch and stare di jaman gw belum tau rasanya berserah diri). in the end, full of failure sih according to my point of view. but then referred back to my highschool and my madinah story. the failure was merely Allah is protecting me from bigger shame/embarrassment or whatnot. 

i usually dont have this struggle. it seemed like letting God preparing my day is enough, He helps me chose the way. i dont have overthink anything. but august has been a roller coaster. cape bgt sampe seorang dinda nulis blog lg itu artinya melelahkan. but they said, thats the point when people grow stronger. maybe my relationship with Allah has been compromised lately. 

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