He is not the same man..

 Karawang, Jan 22 2021 1157 hrs

we had this idealism back than when we were young to make the world a better place, to make the best out of ourselves.

we dived in in the same river led to the same ending, supposedly.

yet the wave wasnt that smooth, wasnt that predictable, they kicked us ashore, pushing us gracefully or reluctantly to walk, when we barely know how to. we just had to.

as its nature, man just obliged to put one foot after another forecasting which trail to hang on, which path worth the sweat. indeed they had no idea.

as we outgrown our outfits and went back to see we had so much now, both the pleasure and the responsibility. the idealism changed, the boat has anchored to the harbor.

"No man ever cross the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he's not the same man"

- may the romance sustain.