dr. seno deserves a post

by empowering, appreciating, and trusting, students gained self-confidence in making decision. 
isnt it why we study at the first place? to produce obgyn that can make right decision. 
and isnt it why teachers teach at the first place? to be the one we ask in times of trouble?
 they know better, they do so much more than us.


corona virus wisdom

april 16, 2020

its been a month this pandemic set our new normal. to me, i wonder why God care enough to spread this exam, frigthening most of human being on earth who has the capability to understand how massively contagious this virus, especially for us, the health workers.

then finally come the time i can actually embrace the presence of this shortcoming.
1) this is the test for us, doctors, nurses, paramedics to actually be in our patients shoe. then from now on, we will not treat our patients like ass anymore, wont we? hows the feeling of being positive covid, without having symptoms and people will judge you right away. how about people with cancer? the only symptom they had was cough. and we said it was lung cancer. they feel their life was terminated. and for once, God remind us by this

2) i have plenty of day off. it is out of imagination that i will have more the 2 days 24 hours stay at home, watching TV and put my boy to bed acting like a mother (ofcourse i maintain distance) but hey, who would have the blessed to stay at home like this as resident? but then i remember that even though i have my quality time, i did not use it to rebuild my broken prayers to God. i did not read my Quran, i did not my time for my Dhuha, i postpone prayers til i feel guilty myself. this is the time God give me a test to see whether i seek Him in this crisis. Astagfirullah.

3) we wouldnt take teacher for granted. we parents, sometime give all those effort in teaching to teachers. forgetting us also the real teacher. Sakha would have a good handwriting due to practicing WITH me. i shouldve spend more time teaching him. especially when i sometimes imagining that life would be abruptly ended just like that.

4) marriage would be tough when both doesnt have time alone. but realizing that we are both at home, but we couldnt meet just because i was finishing  shift in hospital was like pain in the ass. imagining that all these time i have spent in hospital could be the time my husband to rest, but now, he has two babies to take care of, could be tiring and annoying at the same time. still, i cannot live like this anymore. i shouldve done something else other than realizing that my husband is not for me all the time, he has to work, he has kid to feed, he has baby boy wanting to play ball and bicycling. after all these years, i thought my husband was all for me, in fact, my husband was there late at night after i arrived home, and before i leave for hospital. now that i have plenty of time alone, i become more egoistical selfish monster, imagining this might be the only time i can spend with my husband. will there be any second chance? will there be any future?

shut up.

i have no where to post this

Try to see all these in real life, and a good example on one of that is your own self.

  • When a person laugh too much even on stupid things, that person is sad deep inside.
  • When a person sleeps a lot, that person is lonely.
  • When a person talk less, or he/she talks fast, that person keeps secrets.
  • When a person can’t cry, that person is weak.
  • When a person eats in abnormal way, that person is is tension.
  • When a person cry on little things, that person is innocent and soft-hearted.
  • When a person gets angry on silly things, that person is in love.

i was so stupid for letting you go

march 28, 2020

tangerang set my mood like rollercoaster
it has the ups and downs
some feelings cannot be freely written and better to be left unsaid

much appreciation cannot be expressed
some emotions was kept silent

this month was complicated

i miss my husband and sakha but i cannot hug
i love some conditions but i cannot tell
i felt i wanted to be understood, but chose not to explain
i have desire to some actions, but i cannot ask for it
i have love to share and i abandoned iti have forgiven but i did not show

but definitely there are lesson to learned.
and i will keep them in prayer.

a story-telling

Altruist, they said
or is it foolish?

oh well, what to sorrow
it is only a soul you borrow

what are we battling?
this all along was just a story telling

go grief
so we appreciate life we were once lived

we are just now longing for beautiful illusion of the past
ruining the present
worrying the future

what for, is what they have been saying
this is only a story-telling

have a little faith

from now on,

probably the consultants wont take PPDS for granted, realizing they are just too old to fight the corona patients without us

probably the wives wont take husband for granted, realizing the hubby ARE better teacher for the kids while at home

probably the mothers wont take baby's for granted, realizing once they gets bigger they are not all around anymore

probably children wont take their parents for granted, facing facts people out there werent ready losing parents and they did

God may be wants to tell us to how to live. people just screw it up, they dont know how much time left but they are just losing the time at work.

if i could choose, would be better at home taking care of mama papa rather than taking care of these random patients.

god test you the sides you cannot handle

extrovert cannot go out,
teachers cannot teach they way they like
mothers cannot kiss kids as they like anymore
doctors cannot go home and start regretting life they have chosen

dr herbert deserves a post

March 8, 2020

dr. herbert once said,"in teaching others, we teach ourselves"

laparoscopy was rather sexy and attractive. it was different in a way of unspeakable feel to dissecting and coagulating. 

kalo ama dr gatot dan dr kade, suara kasar kres kres nya gunting itu rasanya so macho and heroic. tapi kalo laparoskopi, i really really really love the way they move their hands turning the needle holder.. i would say gemulai in a more determined way..

i deeply appreciate how much his willingness to provide  time and patience to teach over and over and over again over more than 15 years (he said) of being Sp.OG. if your are a soldier, you have to learn to use kinds of weapon. your cesarean section, your mediana or your pfannestiel, your ultrasound, hysteroscopy, your laparoscopy were the ultimate knowledge that differs us from other doctors.

we may have mistakes, that is teacher who tolerate, remind us of what we might face ahead. who shares constructed knowledge ready for us to digest.

banyak aja yang pinter but cannot deliver, yang jago but doesnt have the mood to teach,  yang have the arrogance  but cannot show us how. only few who has the time, the patience, the willingness, the care. and for those, they deserve a post in my blog, the student who will pass and pray for them who build us who we are right now.

who can show us the beauty when we start to sink in emotionless routines.