Bloody Uterine Rupture and Bloody OT Work.


No one judge the decision of a surgeon. 

No one understand the situation other than the operator behind the wheel. 

 thats the story of one fine day


another story of percreta placentae.

5300 cc, BP dropped to 37/17 mmHg. Bladder was dissected wide open, just to stop the blood fountain.

Kocher forceps and any other instruments just didnt work to stop heavily bleeding. 

we used our own pinch. 


its more heavy than menstruation day 1. 

the mom and baby were healthy now. plan to be discharged with 2 weeks bladder catheter. 

i like i enjoy i am fortunate to choose this field.

i feel energized.

i turn myself to the chief i wanted, not the chief they told me to



Rather a mellifluous teamwork are not the willingness of one or two, its not a fruit of command but proper reaction toward whatever stimulus given to every persona. The melting pot of adrenaline rush, humble tolerance, spiking tone of desperation, and consideration to win peoples heart.

Its our media to tune ourselves to others story. Be a part of their pages, even only 2 pages of their hundreds. One's sacrifice saves all when all try to save someone's someone.

The story to outgrow ourselves.
Thanks @hpthar for balancing my attitude
Thanks @deniswari28 @nurul.ilma for the next level of friendship and annoyance
Thanks @nesy_fatahan for learning about your patient and about yourself
Thanks @aruanlewis for completing and patching the hollow
Thanks @nnahdys see you in a couple days ! ❤