dr herbert deserves a post

March 8, 2020

dr. herbert once said,"in teaching others, we teach ourselves"

laparoscopy was rather sexy and attractive. it was different in a way of unspeakable feel to dissecting and coagulating. 

kalo ama dr gatot dan dr kade, suara kasar kres kres nya gunting itu rasanya so macho and heroic. tapi kalo laparoskopi, i really really really love the way they move their hands turning the needle holder.. i would say gemulai in a more determined way..

i deeply appreciate how much his willingness to provide  time and patience to teach over and over and over again over more than 15 years (he said) of being Sp.OG. if your are a soldier, you have to learn to use kinds of weapon. your cesarean section, your mediana or your pfannestiel, your ultrasound, hysteroscopy, your laparoscopy were the ultimate knowledge that differs us from other doctors.

we may have mistakes, that is teacher who tolerate, remind us of what we might face ahead. who shares constructed knowledge ready for us to digest.

banyak aja yang pinter but cannot deliver, yang jago but doesnt have the mood to teach,  yang have the arrogance  but cannot show us how. only few who has the time, the patience, the willingness, the care. and for those, they deserve a post in my blog, the student who will pass and pray for them who build us who we are right now.

who can show us the beauty when we start to sink in emotionless routines. 

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