sing along

Oct 31, 2019 2214 hrs

he once reminded me, 
"hakuna matata, kamu jaganya besok, stressnya sekarang. ke RSCM nya besok, stressnya sekarang."
it means no worries for the rest of your life, its a problem-free philosophy.

if i sing, then he sang along. if he sang, i kept silent adoring.

kalo udah denger

"you know  our love was mean to be, kind of love that last forever.."

" i cant fight this feeling any longer, and yet im still afraid to let it flow.. what started as friendship has gone stronger, i only wish i had the strength to let it show..


"im lying around, with my head on the phone thinking of you till it hurts"

i just cannot help it to mumble. love bgt kalo ngeliat doi ngeUSG sambil humming the song along..

once he said, "lagu jaman dulu itu semuanya tentang jatuh cintaaaaaaa terus, bayangin aja, came crushing through your door, baby i cant fight this feeling anymore"

bahasa inggrisnya bagus
good old song taste

i feel like adoring myself, except for the brain probably he has it better now, but one day ya dok, you will be proud that ur student passed you. i will be a better teacher

Happy birthday dokter awang, semoga selalu dimudahkan di dunia dan akhirat. semoga bisa bertemu dokter dan belajar lagi pas USG gin, pas EP USG RSP, dan setelahnya.

list of best teacher throughout indonesia and washington
1. mr. jason galvas
2. mas adhitia nugrahanto
3. dr purnawan senoaji
4. dr aditya rangga  putera
5. mr. sean o'malley

one day i will be speaking around the world thanking these cool guys for crosspathing my life making me who i am today