hilang 1 kekhawatiran..

jan 25, 2012 0517.

finally the day of 24th went by, which means the day i presented my minor thesis research was done, which means, literally 5 characters have been added to the last part of my name: S.Ked :)

so, its been 3,5 years studying medicine, and it is still not enough, we got another 1,5 years co-assisting, and 1 year internship, so yah. still, we're not a doctor yet, we're student. its tiring, maybe, but at least, hilang 1 kekhawatiran. -bebelac 3. to be grateful is an option.

after walked out of the 'court', i went to this conversation with a very good friend of mine. about how he couldnt imagine, at first, that he would be in this phase, actually got the degree. stories after stories people underestimated, but i learned from that it is he chooses his own future. no matter how people look down on this person.

once one said, 'when i was a kid, they said that i can be anything i want, then, i decided to be a legend."

therefore this story about just about to become a doctor is legendary enough. for some. for the other some, this story means another beginning of hard works and kick butts.

the other day, i rode a bus from jakarta to jatinangor, i went to a conversation with new marriage couple, but they arent that young. the wife, to whom i talked to, was a teacher. she told me about school-kids' phases, start from knowing friends, opposite sex friends, deep friendships and networking, understanding money, understanding relationship, trusteeship, understanding passion and start to think about what they really wanna be.

from that i understand, not all people nice and what we expected to be in an instant way. to be wise and mature, they need to have problems. they have to know how to overcome. they need to know what to protect, their rights and their duties.

i was admiring a man whose from the very beginning his leadership showed from when he was in junior high, i used to think that kinda performance is inherited. and i used to look down on a person, who seemed very childish in his late teens and early twenties.

when i made friendship and had enough of deep conversations to get to know them well, the person i admired goes to a sense of detachment of a family (well, it doesnt mean that he's like a broken home, or stuff like that) he is just, a "professional" kid, even if to the parents, he acted professional, if i may say, emotionless.

this childish friend of mine, in the end i knew that he might not lead his surroundings, but still maturity comes along the way if we learn. i thought that leading is always a massive movement. i now know that stirring your own destiny, to actually become a doctor, for your own sake or your parents' sake, is leading. to actually lead yourself to reach the goal, to lead yourself to an end of a journey.

people might grew in the different way, producing different kinds of people. people may grow and lead a massive citizens, may only lead a family or a self, but they are all good humans, it depends only of which way we see them.

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