"this is not happening to me" and that happened.

i went out to get some aminophylline and ofcourse dinner before taking the drugs. these last few days, i just couldnt sleep because of my asthma attack mostly after 2 am. but last night it came earlier.

i cancelled my dinner with dina and adhika because i dont think i was in the mood to have lil chitchat while having this unimportant additional effort to breath. and there i was, taking my jacket on because the temperature was cold and putting on my socks. i went to the drugstore and actually bought 4 packs of aminophylline (for the sake of laziness to get back there, so i saved some packs), then to a small warteg near there. i need veggie, i said to myself rebutting my favorite nasi uduk depan indomaret sukajadi. then i got veggie (lots of it, well i categorized it as lots because of my diet is usually lack of veggie), ikan teri, tempe.

at my room, i ate that, remembering that i really wanted to take the drugs. the drug will definitely kill my stomach if i didnt it. pretty much squeezing it 4 times a minute, the colic pain much more like kaya orang dapet hari pertama. i ate some teri before i realized that my tongue itched. shit. i didnt finish the teri.

after i finished, i took the drug and tried to get some sleep. the drug usually drugs me off, i can sleep for 6 hours without any chance the alarm wakes me. it puts me to sleep like a dead. but not last night. after i took the drug, i set to sleep, but it was getting harder to get some air. at first, i said to myself, this is just asthma, i just needed to take the second pill.

but nope, i felt the sensation of choke, the chest hurt, and i need to breath via my mouth. hmm..this wasnt felt like asthma. i looked at the mirror. damn, this is not happening to me. i got perioral cyanosis. i needed to tell somebody to take me to the hospital. i put my crazy black abaya, pake jilbab apa adanya, i called danar. he was in bekasi, astri lagi di kamar dina, no way she could reach my room fast enough, i rushed to mani and puni's room.

thanked god they were there. mani looked at me like she was seeing ghost. (later she told me that she can see 'things', so at first she really thought im a ghost, she told me she needed some time to make sure that im a human being, because of my long black abaya). mani supported me to walk down the stair and i told her, i dont think i could make it to the hospital by walk. god damned me, i really could not get any air. so, bapak yang jaga kosan nganterin gw pake motor. it was cold, i chilled all over my body, my lips was numb.

so that was the story last night. i went to igd, siapa sangka yang meriksa gw adalah dicky, setelah sekian lama ga ketemu, it wasnt a nice meeting. the nurse put me on nebu, the doctor asked whether i prefer to dexa injection or per oral. i got allergy to sulfa, last night i discover i allergy to ikan teri (oh no), who knows if i got allergy to injected dexa?

thank god to sending me mani and puni and the bapak (mani called him 'the bapak'). and actually mani discovered that my acral was cold, my capillary refill lasted more than 2 seconds, then the doc measured my bp, it was 100/70.my usual is 110/70. and i got terrible headache, the doc said that was because my brain didnt get much oxygen. it got hypoxic (its funny when the term actually happened for real to me) astri nyusul, n akhirnya dia tidur di kamar gw semalem, sorry ciw. hehe.makasih juga buat dr. arin yang baik bgt smalem when i got so panicked, she calmed it down. butuh banyak banget dokter kaya dia.

that was the first heart-attacking-experience for me. i remembered that my mom got her second severe allergic reaction (the last time, my dad injected her dexa after discovering the perioral cyanosis, thats why i figured i need to go to the hospital, because the color of the peri-lips pale i saw last night) and my brother had that once.

i dont have so much feeling of freedom in choosing what i am going to eat anymore. *will see how long this feeling last, because i just love eating. :) i breathe right now.

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