God doesnt give answers.

14 nov 09. 20.25
He gives choices. in the end, those choices will be the available lifepaths we can take. whether it'd be the best, it depends on how we perceived the decision we have made.

i have this 'idiom' from my friend's learning issue, referred to her psychiatry book. the research stated the idiom 'useless assumption' as getting freaked out by things that MIGHThappened. just a 'might'..

sama kaya dlu gw ga mau balik ke kampung halaman cuma karena takut remed fisika, pdhl belum tentu jg gw remed.. karena gw takut culture shock, pdhl blm tentu gw sebodoh itu in making friends.
sama kaya just now gw resign dr hnmun, pdhl belum tentu gw ga bisa bagi waktu u/ belajar. belum tentu gw ga naik tingkat gara2 2 minggu off dr perkuliahan..

useless assumption. 

apa gw menyesal skrg? enggak. at least i know now, that this kinda things should not happen again. semua tergantung niat, kalo emang niat ini suci, then anything in this earth, as God permits, will help us to get adjusted.

sekarang,gw udh memilih jodoh gw adalah menyelesaikan thn ke2 gw as i fantasized it, as i planned it. there other things (in the return) that i have to finish. 

semoga segala jenis perubahan di depan mata gw; entah itu idealisme temen2 gw (since gw tiba2 berada di tengah perpolitikan fakultas), perubahan gaya bersikap dan bertindak pemimpin2 gw, prubahan prioritas yang labil, sikap dari hati atau sekedar formalitas yang keluar dr diri gw; adalah pilihan dari Allah which i percieved those as mengarah kepada kelebihbaikan.. bukan sebaliknya. amin

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