Dinda-Cyntia Agreement

 Oct 1, 2024. 2116 hrs

Cerita sedikit dari praktik swasta malam ini.

Background story: id been in a bad postpartum depression back then. So im aware that some of my patients might caught the same aura. So i tried to educate them a bit about baby blues and post partum depression. Basically cuma bilang, "selama menyusui jangan ngerasa sedih/cape/marah2 yaa.. kalo ada rasa ingin nangis mulu/kesepian, coba kasih tau saya.."

So, this patient came for changing the bandage after delivery by cesarean section. I was in policlinic with my favorite mba bidan, kak cyn. 

And by the end of our conversation, the patient started to sesenggukan and started another cycle of convo by saying, "dokter kan pernah bilang, kalo ada rasa sedih berlebihan sy hrs kasih tau.." Dan kak cyn mengambilkan sekotak tissue.. very symphathetic..

And she explained what shes been through:

1. A feeling of her body is no longer beautiful

2. A feeling of she has no more me-time

3. Tired of people coming to her house and do all the basa basi

4. Husband has been very supportive but she said, he wouldnt understand

5. She cried everytime she breastfed, bilang ke suaminya karena breastfeeding hurts, padahal karena sedih and bingung that theres a baby now in the house

6. Feeling guilty of she needs to leave the baby alone like just now that she had to go to hospital.

I listened to her more than gave suggestion of what to do. Yaaa adalah some suggestions, but its just a mediocre suggestion like improve communication and bla bla bla.

When the patient left the room:

Gw nanya ke kak cyntia, "Kak, lu gmn ngedengerin pasiennya cerita?"

"Cape bgt dok, gw kaya energi kesedot dengerin doi cerita."

"Hah, seriusan lu kak, gw malah hepi ngeliat dia bisa nangis sambil cerita."

"Ga bisa dok, jgn lama2."

"Yaudah deh besok lu cut gw ajalah kl kelamaan, kl ga dicut gw bs ngeladenin doi sejam."

Begitulah. Emg org dianugerahi preference yg beda2 to complete each other. Tapi seneng ga sih bisa come into the same understanding?

Buat kak cyntia ini tu melelahkan, buat gw tuh ini menyenangkan. But we do work it out gt. We communicate and come into a practical agreement. Jauh lebih berarti drpd diem2an, tebak2an. Hah i cannot.

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