Should i make this another project?

 Oct 13, 2024. 1622 hrs

The following is the conversation i had a couple days ago with my girlfriend of tens of years.

"My din," she texted me (i like when my closests call me 'my din', it seemed i belonged. Although actually my past boyfriend, now husband, called me 'my din' first).

"Do u know this obgyn?" She mentioned a name of my senior. My perfectionist senior, i had a fond feeling toward her back then. She had (well the obgyn we discussed today is a she) this idealism, a good almost impossibly perfect to implement. But i somewhat found her spirit was inspiring (back then in residency), its hard to match my spirit and hers.

I said, "yeah, she was my senior." 

I expected this would be a shallow over the weekend convo. And it twisted into something more interesting. But this girlfriend i had, what i adore from her is, we dont do gossip everytime we do meet up. If we may proclaimed ourselves, we are the  altruists among other type of med students. In organization, back then ofcourse, now we're mothers (And we believed we are NOT going to be just a mediocre mother), we were the executor, the ones who made idea into reality. 

"Is she have some psychological issues? She's everyone enemy in the OR. She's angry and moody all the time. To nurses, to everyone."

I replied, "loneliness." Judging by number of surgery she had in a day, oh boy. I felt a big hollow in her. Or maybe she did it for money? Idk. I just prayed i dont end up like her. 

My senior then doesnt change much. She did yell from time to time back then. But my friend thou, with the job she got, she has to witness my senior acted out everyday. If you read this and you are a doc, and you almost certainly can guess what my friends job. And if u are not, just text me im gonna explained. 

"I want to neutralize the situation and put some human aspect in her case. So instead blaming we can actually help her (?) Entah kenapa I don't hate her, somehow malah kasian.. Maybe this is her outlet aja for something deep inside her gitu."

And turns out, my senior was kinda irritates a lot of people, and these people kinda in a plan to initiate movement to eliminate my senior. And my friend, with her mortherly instinct wanna plunge herself in. 

She is so my kind of people. We go extra miles. And i like the thrill. I replied, "We vibe the same, i would do the same. Do you want me to get in touch with her?"

I guess its up to me. 

Ps. Im still reconsidering should i published my no longer human pt 3. Because its a lot at stake for both parties. Im afraid of the consequences and my own emotional well being. 

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