
june 7, 2011. 12.08 pm

katanya, "sport doesnt build characters. it reveals it."

like traveling. it reveals characters. thats why most of the time love grows or hatred flashes between travel-mates. sifat aslinya keliatan.
traveling is one way, for me, to discover the base of my travelmate's iceberg.

i have discovered my mom's iceberg, and my sister's. a lot to learn, and also a lot to handle :) - november 2010
i have discovered my dad's and a lil of my bro's. - july 2006

my favorite mate is my dad! he always will be.

the upcoming trip will be a test. may 'program nyenengin hati mama' berjalan mulus. hope i pass. amin.

*jadi kepikiran, at least once in my life, gw mau traveling ke 1 tempat, dengan orang yang gw suka. pengen liat, in the end, dia masih jadi org yg gw adore apa engga. dan traveling dg orang yang gw ga suka for no reason, we'll see apakah dia jadi pribadi yg menyenangkan ato engga.

*thx to otto yg somehow mengajarkan gw untuk jadi pribadi yang menyenangkan hari ini

*thx to rani, yang udah jadi travel mate yg awesome long weekend kemarin. may my family doesnt intrigue you. haha. hope you had a good time in my folks dining table. peluukk

*thx to th mooi yang ngebawa hawa2 life is bomb! kinda feeling dini hari ini.

*to do list hari ini: email talitha, mr.galvas, beverley, mbak wati. not much to say. but sometimes, hi aja udah bisa melepas penat. #ajaran otto

*happy sooca, people!

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