to dear Who Makes Plans, thank you :)

oct 17, 1957 hrs

hidup itu ga selamanya seimbang. tahun kedua, i dont know how i managed my life back then. yang gw tau, belajar agama gw lancar, olahraga gw lancar, kamar gw rapi, and all those perfections i've been dreaming to take back nowadays.

sekarang, hehe, tampaknya i took too many things too seriously. sampe kadang cape sendiri. its definitely okay with me. i am sure every problems will end eventually. God will help anyway.

this morning, i was sitting next to ligai. i was exhausted. the real exhaustion i have never felt since.... jaman kuda gigit besi.

i yelled, "gw capeeeee." ligai with her motherly attitude put her arms around me and told me, "belum ngerasain ngerjain LI, skripsi, sekaligus ngurus anak kan?"


*oia, this is why i believe truly that God plotted life beautifully.
- i put a picture of air-balloon on my ym picture. days after i put it up, i actually be in that!
- 2, 3 hari lalu gw nulis enjoy means: "seeing a person who actually sits, plays the guitar and sings me a song which i can sing with." dan kemarin pas foto batchbook, akhirnya ada scene dimana manu duduk dan pura2 main gitar, dan gw n iwith seakan2 menikmati lagu yang dimainin manu. manu actually sat, pretended to play guitar, and he blabbered instead of sang a song. jadi yaaaa pretty much a joy! haha, kapan lagi ngeliat manu ga bermuka datar.
- dan gw nyebur ke sawah. untung ga ada yang liat. well, uun sih ngeliat kronologis jatohnya gimana (dia melihat dengan jarak semacam 20 langkah dari gw) dan suyi yang hanya berjarak 5 langkah di depan gw cuma bilang,"maaf din, saya ketawa dulu ya, baru nolongin kamu" -_____-" what a man. tapi, haha, yang penting enjoy :) seriously, gw seneng kemarin. 

makasih dear Who Makes Perfect Plans :)
thanks for putting ligai sat next to me and nice bright sunshine on my batchbook photoshoot's day without any tanning left on my skin.

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