
oct 22, 2011. 1337 hrs

once i read a quote: "dream more while you are awake."

and back then i was myself sitting di ruang lab, had a lil chichat with one of my friend who rather had less emotion and expression. cool and calm, yet awkwardness wasnt that hard to be eliminated.

(do not do this at ruang lab, we supposed to sit and listen to the teacher. but im sorry, at the time, i couldnt help it. it was noon and boring. its better to have a lil chat about future rather than sleeping. because i manage to dream more while i am awake :))

having a dream is somewhat keeping the life alive. yet, the probability of heartbreaking cannot be ignored. that is when we got to heartbreaking, we start to dream again. success once told to be: falls ninety nine times and stand back up for the hundredth times.

this friend i had been chat with, despite of the, you know, constant expression, have dreams after freshly graduate. 3 things this friend mentioned, and none of them i ever thought these are what this kid wanted to do. see? how many thing on earth we can do. cruising the carribean sea, cooking in a high-five-star hotel, skydiving, be in an orchestra, learn and teach from and to the nature, mount-climbing, play violin, dancing, study russian language, anything.

me, i wanna do something and be in a dark big auditorium, big headlights had been set all for you. in a auditorium, we can dance, sing, do improvs, as free as we want, like no one watching. because we wont be bothered by hundreds of eyes which sits in the dark. all we can see is us, the headlines. ofcourse because of the lights are only spotted to the whoever is on the stage.

i like the sound of people clapping and yelling out our names. (oh yeah, ive been in that, ive been in that) it felt so relieving, tiring but like with longlasting gladness.

its like the time is seized for you.

like the time stopped, only so you could live the moment. 


  1. this person with cool calm constant expression = datot pasti haha. ga mungkin parol apalagi otay

  2. aaa. adhikaaaa ga seruuu.. -_____-"
