ad-lib randomization

oct 11, 1819

fulki was sleeping on my bed without changing her clothes (actually, she fell asleep after 15 minutes she told me that she come home everyday, even in 1 oclock in the morning, because she couldnt sleep in bed other than her bed), and i swear i wont take my sheet out (wanna make the point that, i am not that hygiene anymore). she made me look up in my dictionary about these words. thank you. so, dont pick the wrong diction to blurt out .

respect n. 1 admiration or esteem; for others' rights and wishes. 2 an aspect of a situation etc. - v. fell or show respect for.

admire v. 1 respect highly. 2 look at with pleasure -admiration n.

adore v. love deeply -adorable adj. adoration n.

adhika was teaching me to use muscle risorius more often, so the contraction of depressor anguli oris can be reduced. wish there is no more 'jutek congenital' dedicated to me.

fact about the author: when she is stressed out, she loves to sit in a bus stop only to watch the cars lights and she suddenly brush her hair too often. and yes, i am not the center of the universe. because the earth spins anyway, with or without me.

and...THIS IS MY BLOG. (exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark)

dan gw baru terima sms dari Odi, dengan pesan "nasi ayam jamur 1 ke gbt hegarmanah kamar a3."

oh senja menggila..


  1. bahahahaha sms Odi kocak banget. told ya, sekelompok sama Edo-Odi membuat all the sorrows go go gooo awaaay~ :D

    thankyou for the permission to INVADE your bed. gw terlalu cape untuk bisa mikir ini kasur gw atau bukan, hahaha. manapun yg bisa dipake tidur, hantam! *yes yes yes I eat and sleep like a pig =.=

    *so, respect, admire, or adore?
    cuma naik tangga selangkah din buat berubah :p

  2. langkah yang paling susah itu adalah langkah pertama. dan langkah buat berubah itu selalu 'langkah pertama.' comment this blog in another 5 years fulk, we'll see.

  3. berkenaan dgn penggunaan otot risorius, gue nemu quote lucu dan quite applicable ini kemaren.
    "Devote five minutes a day smiling, just smiling. And after a while, it will come naturally." - from the movie, Love Happens (2009)

    P.S: i know we're in the middle of deadline madness but i can't help ngubek2 blog lo buat nyari post ini hahaha. anyway semangat skripsinyaaa :D :*
