a few secs to burn.

1742 hrs

"friendship is like a book. it took years to write, a few secs to burn."

in any sights, the above sentence is right. it doesnt take any minute to understand the statement. 

to me, right now, friendship is the best kind of any kind of relationship. thats why some of my 2010 resolutions are:
1. if i have problems with somebody for no reason, dont avoid him/her, i will desensitize. if i do have for a reason, then talk. make it clear, apologize if needed.
2. makes everyone presence is special  for me. dont expect them to do the same. now, its time to learn how to be full-hearted. dont ask for recognition or acknowledgement.
3. focus on my own self-image is not anymore on my life dictionary. if i think a joke, a call, a text, or anything would make my friends happy, do it. bet theyre gonna love it.
4. dealing with people i dont like is a skill, decide to stop dealing with them is my lost.

and now, i dont get the point why my own 'old' or 'former'(?) best friend decide to stop connected with me just because his girlfriend is disliking my presence. wow. well, i was angry, but in anyway, i respect my rule: everyone presence is special. though sometimes it confused me, if everyone special then whats so special anymore?

if everyone special then whats so special anymore?

dear readers, if you by purpose or not in purpose are reading this blog, and you feel like you need to know how special you are to me, just text me. i will reply, inshaAllah. dear God, thank you sending me lots of friends. for their presences, i thank You. :)

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