dec 23rd was over.

dec 24, 0607

dec 23rd was finally over! that was the day i actually wanna skipped, but i am still glad that i  passed it through: these too will pass~

last night, after all the energy draining moments, i put this up on my bbm status: hari PALING ANEH sepanjang gw di fk. Lucu. Weird. Surprising.

1st off: fyi, i have this kind of dysfunction on my left ring finger. every time i tap the keyboard using this finger, pain radiates to proximal phallange, something felt like pain in its bone. i dont know why, becuase it occured in the middle of me typing. right now, i scarily use this finger for board a, s, and d. ga penting. haha. penting ini! kalo kaya gini terus, gw ga niat ngematch data ijazah. oh why i am so happy doing this data ijazah? weird.

2nd off: why did it surprise me? i received a text, from this friend (let us say, R) i hardly had conversation with.presence was merely hi and assalamualaykum.  R sent me about 5 pages of sms put together, it was about encouraging and assuring me that badai skripsi baru saja lewat, dan sekarang sooca, dan kita BISA! and that wasnt a kind of 'send to many' text message

yes, that was all about. i was kinda surprised, whats on earth R texted me? another random mood-booster, HAJAR SOOCA!

3rd off: why did i feel that the day was weird? because, to be honest, i had this crossed my mind: i dont wanna be in the farewell. not because of the melancholy reason that this was the final before sidang and all. i would rather doing something else, truly, rather than actually present in this event. but i was there anyway. ya iyalah. did i enjoy it? yes. bukan part nonton videonya, bukan part nyanyinya, dllnya. tapi part ketemu miko, whom i concerned, temen seperjuangan skripsi gw yang bener2 competed the time untuk dpt ttd. way to go miks! the part ketemu wado dan foto bareng piala, i dont know why, i have this certain feeling of adore ke wado, her care and responsiveness. the part ngobrol ama qayyum and finally tanri came in the mid of conversation, setelah sekian episodes of i dont know to whom i blurt this out. ketemu nadhila, bu atih, pak budi, tatata yg lain.

weird #2. this was the final day of final draft submission. i submitted mine days before, but the night before dec 23rd was heart-pounding, sleepless, worrisome, but still i in the end didnt know what was i worrying about, what was i fighting for? i need to allocate this energy of worrying anything that isnt my problem to something else. -_______-" i hate that i worried, in the end, about nothing. ya ga nothing juga sih. cuma ya, males aja kalo ternyata i was the only one who worried, sedangkan orang yang i worried for santai2 aja. oke. wrap up~! done talking about this.

4th of all: lucu. why? i wanna keep this to my self. my dear Allah has sense of humor. haha. so, happy weekend everyone :)

thanks Allah for letting me woke up in dec 24th today.

-ganti sprei
-ngosek kamar mandi
-ngumpulin draft2 sooca
-ke laundry
-nyegat primjas
-pasang musik, ngeliatin pemandangan
-sampe rumah, nonton tv, baru belajar.

-nonton mission impossible. kudu!

siapa yg setuju tanggal 23 itu hari yang paling aneh? otto. haha.

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