
may 17, 2011. 04.00 am

kemarin pagi ngedengerin radio:
"tanda2 orang munafik itu 1) ketika bicara, ia berdusta, 2) ketika berjanji, ia ingkar, 3) ketika dipercaya, ia khianat."

a doctor has so much of these chances to be a hypocrite.

mentioned it, physically inactive, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol. hypocrisy to self. may God forgive. amin.
karena kadang mahasiswa kedokteran (saya) membutuhkannya.


semoga kebaikan yang kami lakukan semasa hidup kami bisa menjauhkan kami dari neraka-Mu dan mendekatkan kami ke surga-Mu.

jangan sampai kita successfully developed in a destructing way, to self, or to others. *teguran untuk diri sendiri, teguran untuk diri sendiri. muhasabah untuk diri sendiri.

Parasitic twin.
A parasitic twin is the result of the processes that produce vanishing twins and conjoined twins, and may represent a continuum between the two. Parasitic twins occur when a twin embryo begins developing in utero, but the pair does not fully separate, and one embryo maintains dominant development at the expense of the other. Unlike conjoined twins, one ceases development during gestation and is vestigial to a mostly fully formed, otherwise healthy individual twin. The undeveloped twin is defined asparasitic, rather than conjoined, because it is incompletely formed or wholly dependent on the body functions of the complete fetus.

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