
nov 11, 12. 2008 hrs.

lesson #1 for today: dont expect. because in the end, what you get in return will never enough.

lesson #2: remember what mrs. dawson said? "distance always makes hearts grow fonder." lesson #3: every beginning has an end. so, dont worry, thats the way it is.

lesson #4: sometimes, there are things you didnt mean to say is said, things you planned to say still be kept as plan. thats why life is so enigmatic. enjoy.

lesson #5: even though you got the lesson, it is still not that easy to be that positive, that grateful, that good. thats okay to practice, there will be cases to face up, chances to get some skills in being a good empty cup. to filter and seize ONLY the bright side.

i dont wanna be someone who walks away so easily
our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts, we got a lot at stake
i just need to learn what i got, and what im not, and who i am
- i wont give up

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