menikmati 'sekarang'

nov 5, 2012. 2207

manusia itu sebaik-baiknya makhluk pembelajar. tapi ga semuanya mau belajar.
kalaupun mau, seriously, implementing the theories itu sama susahnya sama establishing the correct theories.

rumah sakit itu gudangnya pelajaran yang menohok hati, yang penuh tamparan2 implisit. dan eksplisit.
yang bisa dibilang, bodoh banget kalo dokter2 itu ga belajar menikmati, menghargai, mensyukuri hidup,
while we're dealing with births and deaths.

since we have a lil chance to live a 100 years, and it is too silly to live over our 15. we only got the chance to live our present.

banyaknya kejadian yang ngebuat gw ngerti bahwa tomorrow may not come, somehow gave me some boosts to take risk of failure. walaupun gw ga tau, in the end, i will either be able to take lesson atau justru terperangkap and i may have no hands to pull.

i may be scared of my own steps, although it is my own decision,
tapi ga ada jalan kembali.
seandainya jatuh, mau ga mau harus berdiri.

though, may God forbid.

whatever we think whats best for us, that might not.
tapi, itu gunanya doa bukan?

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