check or wreck

sept 18. 2100

ada 3 macam keadaan hati. hati yg lembut, hati yang sakit, dan hati yang mati.
hati yg lembut adalahyg selalu inget Si Pencipta,  yang ngasi sinyal when we're just about to do a sin, either its a anxiety, ketidaktenangan, ga enak aja rasanya. hati yg lain ga usah dibahas, krn tujuan gw sih hati yang ini. keadaan lain selain definisi hati yg lembut ya ga sehat.

nah, sekarang pr gw adalah if i am being hesitant, i need check myself before i wreck myself. bener ga sih yg gw lakukan ini?

gw baru baca hadis, a women marry foreither one of 4 things, her wealth, her family status, her beauty, or her religion. and for a man, he needs to marry the religious one, or he will be a loser. *itu dari hadis shahih bukhari. termasuk kata loser nya yah. gw ga buat2 sendiri.

because evil omen for men are in their house, women, and horse. bahasa kitanya, harta tahta wanita. yes, women can drive any good men to do evil deeds.

at least now, im trying to use my intellegence and knowledge of my own religion to drive myself good. the problem is: ini gw udah berani jujur and has no reluctance/being hesitant ama diri gw to decide for what i 'thought' is right, ato i will fight for what i 'feel' is right? because seriously, i have trouble mixing logic and feeling.

what kind of man i wanna marry? for what purpose i marry a man? terlebih lagi, what kind of woman i am? do i have the right to have these requirements which i am not qualified myself? who i am having criteria which doesnt even met my ownself. life can be a mess.

gw males mikirin kaya beginian. because in the end toh life is all surprises. but today it all came to me.

so girls, ladies, what kind of category you will put yourself in?

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