layla dan majnun dan changcuters

sept 30 1719 hrs

love isnt that much different, back then in 7 century in an arabic tale written by a poet, and now, only a few years after the millennium of 2000 in a song by a toddler band. this is flattering.

the father of Majnun was surprised
seeing Layla such underrated.
To him, he saw what his son did not
and his son saw what his father did not.

kurang lebih seperti :
"biar kata mirip buaya,
bagiku luna maya"-nya Changcuters

ANTUSIAS!! dalam bersenang-senang.

sept 29, 1843hrs

yafidy was sitting next to me, which was a mistake. he was in a wrong time and in a wrong place at the moment. yap, si fidung terpaksa mendengarkan gundah gulana yang ngikutin gw sejak minggu pertama masuk semester terakhir di fk unpad.

half desperately i blurted out the list i need to do over, week, month, semester. harus tetep semangat anyway (no other way), i said, realizing that muka gw somehow play role in setting people-next-to-me's mood.

semester terakhir ini tampaknya semua hal datang dan minta perhatian. angkatan yang tadinya adem ayem, tiba2 heboh, database, sekaligus batchbook, sekaligus ini ina itu yang....wayahna dateng di saat2 terakhir. sdmk asysyifaa yang emang ngasih amanah u/ ngurusin mubes ketua 2012 yang bakal diadain NOVEMBER (disaat memang sudah jadwalnya ngambil data lalala), bsmi yang tiba2 gempar dan menggeliat to show it exists, dan tiba2 merasa tenaga 1 orang ini PAYAH dan banyak orang itu ANUGERAH kalo bergerak dalam harmoni.

dan sms fidung dtg, gasih tau gw u/ buka email dan diforward ke dr.irma. blablabla, dan ini isinya, yang somehow.....supportive!

"Assalamualaikum herdinda,

Berikut saya sertakan hasil scan dari checklist medcheck TMA
Semoga bermanfaat


P.S: Semangaaat! setiap amanahmu adalah kebaikan buatmu, pahala untukmu, dan lebih mendekatkanmu kepada Allah. Jangan galau dan patah semangat karena lo harus ANTUSIAS setiap mengerjakan amanahmu, dung. ANTUSIAS!!! "

gw bold dan italice because this DOUBLED my spirit! awrr.

selamat berusaha menchecklist to-do list-mu, herdinda. selamat. selamat. selamat. 

*what made my day:
1. duduk bareng dandon dan biondi di lecture, jadi bisa memutar-balik situasi tegang di ruang lecture menjadi hal yg bisa "disenyum-lebarkan" bersama.
2. di kantin ketemu fidung dan rani yang reabsorbing all the stresses.
3. ngegalau bareng astri di kamar right after gw balik dari puskesmas cibiru (yang btw sudah tutup by the time gw sampe disana)
4. ketemu si aldi, si debate-partner, yg ngajakin nonton marchingband di gor padjadjaran tgl 15 okt besok! yay!
5. akhirnya aulia khairani masuk ke kamar dan curhat2. yes!

*what concerned me:
1. skripsi yang tidak tersentuh dengan OPTIMAL (bisa disamadengankan dengan kata 'sama sekali')
2. puskesmas cibiru yang tutup 1,5 jam sebelum waktu biasanya. sehingga gw ga ketemu kepala puskesmasnya, yang berujung pada corcern #3
3. rescheduling u/ ketemu dokter gigi dan operasi dan cabut gigi lalalala, krn hari ini ga ketemu kepala puskesmas (yak, gw puter2 kalimat)
4. tanri nanyain berapa jumlah anak di angkatan th ini, dan gw kalang kabut ngitung. bad bad bad secretary.
5. malah blogging bukannya bikin revisi skripsi. 

ITS MY LIFE, IT IS NOW OR NEVER. I AINT GONNA LIVE FOREVER, I JUST WANNA LIVE WHILE IM ALIVE. ~ bersenang-senang! walaupun gw ga tau caranya, gw HARUS bersenang-senang!
sept 25 1818 hrs

abis ngacak2 kamar, for the sake of my melancholy booster which came in a sudden because NOONE in the house at the moment.

and i found this. a poem, yg ditulis o/ teman sebangku saya, talitha joy edwards.

her parents are missionaries, she had been living in africa/latin america for the mission (with capital 'm') sometime after we graduated from school.

guess my presence meant something to her. it was a few day before graduation party where i found this blue paper on my desk in mr. stoda's class, the writing was in gold-ink. it is titled:

''Never the Same''

''Aye, even as you read
This. Time flees on winged feet.
It flows from you.
Like the wake of a boat.
Never letting
A single moment
Oh, to stop it
For even a second
'T would be delight.
A moment more
Of time.
Aye, this one
Would beg.
Yet, 'tis not to be
And, aye,
No matter how
This one wishes
This very poem
Will not even mean
Quite what
It did the first time
You read it''

she was like dedicating her one year for me. taught me english, taught me the good side of american teenager, taught me how to... use 'the' while my english teacher flipped out and surrender to teach me making essay. haha

and i found mine.

''my stories''

live in a states for one year,
i have been enjoying every single moment in here,
every single time filled with eager.
those days are my unforgetable moments,
when i spent time with all my friends.
assemblies, especially color war, i heard the seniors' roars.
mr. stoda, mr glavas, mrs dawson, mr oboyle, and mr o'malley,
i write, read, talk, and hear,
they are all speaking english, drive me a little crazy.
i have great memories in every single class, senior project and cat dissections,
mr walker confused when i asked what is 'the' for,
foreign exchange page for yearbook's score,
always be a procrastinator in algebra,
try to be goofy and silly in drama.
my first american birthday with balloon and brownies,
my first snow with cold and flurries.
time is running so fast,
left me behind with sweet memories from the past.
if i could turn back time, i would.
if there was a chance to live in these days, i definitely should.
i like my friends!
my friends today, friends forever.

fuuhh. well, time is absolutely different now :)


sept 23, 1743 hrs

hell is here and now. so is heaven. quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they both present inside this very moment. every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. every time we hate, envy, or fright someone, we tumble straight into the fires of hell.

an old besty called only 20 minutes before midnight. i picked up the phone, only to shut the ring off, i didnt feel like talking, i was sleepy and tired. i let him talked, and i listened, if it wasnt only i heard mumbles, i couldnt recall his sayings. the conversation mostly filled up with my 'hmm', 'ya', and 'go on', and it ended up with nothing i could recall in the next morning. one thing frightened me though, which the only i remembered was that the statement he  made about me cannot distinguish 'giving love' and 'being kind.' i wonder if there any difference, but to him, there is a clear difference between those. the reason which i couldnt recall will be remained unknown, i guess. i dont wanna know the difference. let those stay blurred to me.

baru ngebaca postingan asha jaman dulu. semoga langgeng!

experimental friend.

sept 22. 1100hrs

eversince i discovered the principle to love everyone like it will not hurt anyone, i have never thought the idiom "experimental friend" would be invented. but it is a discovery now, to me.

i remembered i was admiring patch adams for that he did, harvesting smiles and generous friendships. just before being that patch adams, he was experimenting. he said hi-es to strangers, he waved to a bunch of kids in some random school buses, and watched for the responses.

i understand now that, people may have distance, unclosed gaps between you and him/her/them. when the willingness to understand them is big enough, we can start experimenting. start with hello, guess that will not pay you a sweat. i did some initial experiments, but me is bad in maintaining the 'lab.' so, some of my experiments were stuck in the moment and still continuing only the hi-es.

yet, this friend, i have known for 3 years, has been experimenting and putting me as the lab rat, without my informed consent. but truly i am getting along very well with the professor who runs the lab. i understand that to understand, people need to reveal bit by bit of secrets. because what makes clashes, misunderstandings, underestimatings, awful-feelings is the reluctance to uncover the links which usually are the point of thing can be understood.

just be free to try, see how the fruits come after all.

#5: for those who made my day!

sept 19, 2342hrs

thank you for those who made my day happier:

fahrani, thx for late-night talks, secret sacred stories, freedom to express and extraordinary ridiculous moments
astri, thx for late-night talks, a person i can be spoiled as much as i want, i can rely on without any guilt-feeling
nadhila, thx for hasan's stories, contagious laughs, between now and then deep insights
bu atih, thx for being such an understanding ibu kantin yg mau ngebikinin gw bubur due to gigi gw yg sakit
pak cecep, thx for being such a wise pak satpam who was reminding me that fear scares only minds, go pray and believe in urself.
reza fahlevi, thx for a long,in-purpose-killing-time talks about the most lively places on earth
mikoriza, thx for buying me roti suyi pagi2 even though i knew u had no breakfast yet
mishbah, thx for being such a nice 24 hrs friends yg ga pernah marah kalo ditelp in such an odd times

the above list is not in order. because they have special amount of cares. thanks for some of you whose names arent mentioned because i simply dont have the guts to write yours down. for you, rules #5
most of problems of the world stem from linguistic mistakes and simple misunderstandings. Dont ever take words at face value. when you step into the zone of love, language as we know it becomes obselete. that which cannot be put into words can only be grasped through silence. 

may Allah gives blessings upon you all.


sept 19. 0636 am

i must confess that this is addictive!

intellect and love are made of different materials. intellect ties people in knots and risk nothing, but love dissolves all the tangles and risk everything. intellect is always cautious and advises, "Beware too much ecstasy," whereas love says, "Oh, never mind! Take the plunge!" intellect does not easily breakdown, whereas love can effortlessly reduce itself to rubble. but treasures are hidden among ruins. a broken heart hides treasures.

good morning, monday :)


sept 18, 0341hrs

patience does not mean passively  endure. it means to be farsighted enough to trust the end result of a process. what does patience mean? it means to look at the thorn and see the rose, to look at the night and see the dawn. impatience means to be so shortsighted as to not be able to see the outcome. The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know that the time is needed for the crescent moon to become full. 


semoga kita tidak pernah retak.

apa yang tidak kamu mengerti dari pernyataan bahwa satu detik saja kamu terlambat, nyawa satu orang bisa melayang. apa yang kamu tidak mengerti dari sebuah pernyataan bahwa responsibility is like a glass, once it is broken, the repair wouldnt be the same.

bagian mana yang tidak kamu mengerti bahwa ketika kamu berencana jadi dokter, disitulah tanggung jawab bukan lagi pilihan buat kamu. its a MUST to be responsible, to feel responsible, to have responsibility. dan memang dari situlah kamu mencari dan mendapatkan hidup. thats where you make a living, where you are living your live.

tanggung jawab itu rangenya banyak lho. jangan mentang2 kamu jadi ketua senat ,terus kamu baru bilang itu tanggung jawab, sedangkan tugas kuliah yang ecek2 ga dianggap sebagai tanggung jawab. jangan dibilang tanggung jawab itu ketika kamu jadi presiden ngurusin ratusan juta kepala keluarga, terus kamu mikir ngurusin 1 keluargamu sendiri itu bukan tanggung jawab. kamu pasti tau maksudnya, bukan berarti kamu ngurusin oppek, mabim, pkm, lalala terus kamu ga ngerjain LI itu adalah sebuah tanggung jawab. apalagi kalo kamu bilang itu adalah sacrifice for greater good, wow, manusia bertanggung jawab jenis apa itu?

gw ga ngeliat orang bisa dikatakan bertanggung jawab hanya dari ketika ada rapat, lo dtg 15 menit sebelumnya. engga, bertanggung jawab itu ketika lo dateng di saat lo dibutuhkan, ketika lo diamanhkan untuk dateng.

ketika lo punya amanah, lo kerjain. itu tanggung jawab. lo janji dateng jam x, lo udah stand by di tempat by jam x, itu baru bertanggung jawab.

bertanggung jawab bukan berarti lo stand by di satu tempat/oraganisasi, padahal lo ga ada amanah, itu bukan indikator bertanggung jawab. lo nyuciin baju ketua lo, padahal itu bukan amanah yang diberikan ke elo, itu juga bukan tanggung jawab. tanggung jawab itu ketika lo disuruh beli rokok, lo beli rokok itu sesuai prosedur yang diinginkan, itu baru bertanggung jawab.

melakukan kesalah sekali-dua kali itu manusiawi kok. tapi ketika setiap kali rapat, lo telat dengan alasan ketiduran, yah, anak smp juga tau lo salah. makin kesini, makin bingung gw apa yang harus gw lakukan.

adakalanya gw totally have been trying to understand. and i do understand. but for them who filled with blasphemy, irresponsibilty, and disrespects, gw ga ngerti knp mereka berani masuk sekolah kedokteran. karena sejauh apa yang gw liat, tanggung jawab mereka dalam mencari ilmu, tanggung jawab mereka dalam menjalani ilmu, tanggung jawab mereka dalam keseharian mereka those affects their patients, or at least people surround them.

apa sih bedanya dokter dan pembunuh? once i wrote this on my wall, what distinguish a doctor and a murderer are knowledge, skill, and heart. heart macam apa yang dibutuhkan? tentunya heart yang responsible atas setiap decision yang dia pergunakan berdasarkan knowledge yang dia punya diinterpretasikan dengan skill yang terlatih yang memang dia latih dengan tujuan, dengan rasa tanggung jawab.

umur gw udah 22 tahun, lo mungkin yang baca ini juga sekitaran itu. one day soon, kita akan jadi orang tua yang punya anak. semakin kesini, semakin banyak realita yg terjadi cuma karena lack of responsible sense. seorang anak jadi gay karena ayahnya ga bertanggung jawab, seorang anak mesti kehilangan jari karena ibunya yang ga responsible membiarkan tuh anak jalan di pinggir jalan, sedangkan si ibu main handphone. sepasang orang tua mesti kehilangan harta benda yg dari dulu dikumpulkan untuk ngebahagiain anaknya, cuma demi rehab narkotik anaknya yg ga bertanggung jawab, yang justru lebih sarat rasa tersiksa. itu realita sehari2nya.

naudzubillahi min dzalik. semoga ini ga terjadi ama kita. hal seperti ini, semoga Allah jauhkan dari kita. tapi, how awful these phenomenons could possibly happened to us? seandainya kita sadar akan tanggung jawab-tanggung jawab kecil di sekitar kita memang kita perhatikan. 

terima kasih Allah, masih banyak orang yang bertanggung jawab di sekitar saya. semoga tanggung jawab mereka tidak pernah retak.


.....dari dr. gery

"kamu mana katanya mau ke klinik saya, wacana aja kalian!" #slap one
"bangun dulu kesehatan di tempat tinggal kamu, baru pikirin daerah lain. liat dokter2 yang menjamur di kota."
1. kita itu mahasiswa yang katanya mau belajar, tapi terlalu buta untuk melihat kesempatan belajar. banyak dari kita diam dan menunggu. banyak dari kita lupa kalau mengajarkan juga proses belajar.
2. ketika jadi dokter itu adalah untuk kita nyari penghasilan, disitulah kelemah kita. ketika kita jadi dokter basically untuk menolong orang, itulah kekuatan kita. rasa takut itu muncul ketika kita berbuat salah. ketika dokter takut ketika digugat pasien ada beberapa kemungkinan, 1. dia tidak pintar, karena dia ga yakin akan apa yang dia lakukan. 2. dia tau dia melakukan kesalahan karena either tidak menuruti SOP atau menambah2i SOP, intinya, for benefits.
3. tanda dokter sudah kehilangan basic pekerjaan mulia, dan berganti jadi bisnis.
a. dokter menjamur di kota, defisit di desa
b. lebih banyak orang mau jadi dokter spesialis, padahal itu artinya dia mengerucutkan jumlah manusia yang bisa dia tolong. hmm, sedikit defiable sih.
c. menjadikan praktik dokter sbg sumber penghasilan.

rasanya masih banyak contoh dokter2 pebisnis.

yah, kalo diliat pas kuliah sih, kayanya mereka2 yang nyontek. ga terlalu idealis sih gw, mungkin memang mereka perlu untuk survive. cuma jatohnya, mereka kaya orang yang nyuri hape gw di angkot, mungkin emg they have children to look after, but it is still wrong.

astagfirullah. masih banyak contoh yang ngedescribe how nasty we are, despite of how righteous our profession is. mungkin gw pernah did wrong things. but, thank God, He forgives and we change (and can change).

May all doctors do the right things.

#ngomong apa sih gw? gw cuma merasa bersalah karena lupa ama ilmu yang mati2an gw pelajari. percuma sooca kalang kabut, tapi setelahnya menguap. i need to do something.


David grabbed the fork he had put aside and inspected it for a while. "So should i conclude that you didn't marry the man you loved?"

"Oh, please, that's not what i meant."

"What is it you meant, then?" David said, still talking to the fork. "I thought you were in love with me when we got married."

"I was in love with you," Ella said, but couldn't help adding, "back then."

"So,when did you stop loving me?" David asked, deadpan.

No matter who we are or where we live, deep inside we all feel incomplete. its like we have lost something and need to get it back. Just what that something is, most of us never find out. And those who do, even fewer manage to go out and look for it.


i guess me lucky keeping my world small enough.

as i am

i lived to meet people expectations, thats when i started to become people's slave.

i thought i might wanna take a leisure moment, but it ended up with guilt.

today i realized, people have all the freedom to like or dislike. i just cannot be shaped as they wished.

people content of their own considerations. i do not interfere others decisions, i give submission.

its so sad, i have never expect others will do the same.

- a good thing to be a grown up man is the ability to decide. a bad thing to be a grown up man is the awareness that somebody have their eyes only on your actions, not on your minds.


for despite what some people say, love is not only a sweet feeling bound to come and quickly go away. and when we are in love we need to wait for forty days to make sure of our feelings.

How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. If God brings to mind mostly fear and blame, it means there is too much fear and blame welled inside us. If we see God as full of love and compassion, so are we
