dr. Tri deserves a post

"Attractive people are the big winners of the natural selection. They tend to enjoy better success in find mates, earn more money, and get better jobs."

but, some take it shallow. like me i take it shallow. i like beautiful people, the appearance. 


but that doesnt apply in operating theatre. 

it seemed we dont really care how you look since we scrub in and put our mask on al the time. i can see smiley eyes, or people banter and joking around, or whistling their favorite song.

all we know, are we clumsy? do we cut meticulously? did we succeed to stop the bleeding? do we make enough preparation before knife?

its now my romance. the operating theatre vibes in and the beating of the monitor energizes me  somehow. a feeling that i cannot express. i didnt get it when i swim through amniotic fluid seeing the baby by ultrasound.

and this dr. Tri, the calmest, the most controlling operator i have ever met. full of strategy and down to earth. less talk, perform more, very charismatic. he showed me how to act in operating table to be a surgeon, not only an obgyn. no wasted movement. 

he is small in talk, little correction he ever mentioned, works at any convenience. but i wish i did good in assisting.



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