God is always nice

after our aftermidnight conversation with my future plan..

God just showed me one way to be happy thoroughly, to be grateful, to feel so comfort. may He supports the plan.

love has many forms,
and God send me one vivid form.

new year's eve all over again

jan 21, 2013. 0437

today is my 1st of jan. when i can start all over to reset the mood, forgetting the pain of being nothing.
its always nice to start something new, its like love for the first time,it will all make sense.

new blue front for sure :)

days arent meant for only to be passed without virtues to learn, without lesson to seize.
days are supposed to be tasty!

bye surgery. welcome anesthesiology.. may you diminish the pain and anxiety.
feel the propofol through your veins.

pulmonary embolism

bosen bgt ya kalo ngomongin bosen mulu :)
nikmatin aja. koas bakal berakhir kok.

if my life resembles a print out of electrocardiography, the line shows pulmonary embolism, which the Q is deep in lead I, and there is inverted T in lead III.

oh iya, fotonya dapet dr timelinenya teh nada. i miss her..

thank you 2012,
selamat datang 2013 :)

may the universe supports us.

i spent my new year's eve di IGD bedah RSHS, which was a good thing.
then we went away from real life.

udah gw bilang banyak hal yang akan berubah dalam waktu 1 tahun. termasuk hati, dind. termasuk hati. kalo boleh plagiat dari coldplay, 2012 i was tired and underprepared. now i crossed the line, i was scared, and there are lines i couldnt change anymore. dear God, jangan jadikan ini suatu penyesalan, jadikan ini suatu pembelajaran. 

i have chose which way to go. jangan belokkan ya Allah. saya tidak mau kembali.