mindless fatherless creature

may 20th 1445

who made your day? your chief. who ruined your day? your chief.

 he is the worst kind of human being i have ever deal with. bunga bangkai. yes, probably that is what represent his whole characteristics. the largest individual parasitic creature. spreads odor and negativity

it is his way to educate, positively thinking, that men under rough circumstance will show the greatest power and effort to survive. he put his every single might he has as a chief to drain all energy left of his workers to its limit, to suffocate in turns of goal achieved.

it is not wisdom, nor fairness. simply his joy to absorbs eagerness trades it with cruelty and injustice. injustice might have slight different meaning. i would call it dzalim.

he pushed me to the edge of ikhlas. if it is not wrong for me to not forgive, then i will not forgive. if it is not wrong for me to swear, then i will swear that i will watch him from distance every single fairness, or if may i would call azab, Allah would bring to test him.

dear Allah, saya tidak sudi dan saya sangat sakit hati atas perbuatan dan kepemimpinannya. i let you to finish whatever you might plan in order to show him that whatever he has been done to me, to us is unfair and he is wrong. please let him know that he is wrong. perhaps Allah will show him the way.

i will not forget. mungkin one day i will forgive. but i will not forget.

Ya Allah, jangan jadikan anak cucu keturunanku suatu sifat dzalim.

mungkin dia lupa suatu saat dia akan mati.