
June 29, 2014. 2335

Can't sleep. Too much sugar from cesarean sections, curettage, and craniotomy.

The pace, the blood. Its... epic. Heroic. Dignified.

Too bad if I awarely waste the chances to pursue intellegence. Less sleep, more courage to break the habits.

Low profile, I'm there to learn. Not to prove.

May the 'hang over' stays. Dear soul, don't let me step on my own tounge. Dear Allah, thanks for the proof, guide me guide me, broaden my guts so I can act. Do not let me linger on words only.

Berkah Ramadhan :)

May Allah bless dr. Sis, Sp.OG, dr. Eka, Sp.BS, and ofcourse, the generous minded mas fajri.
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Chessy moodbooster :)

Ini kok bisa-bisanya ya.. \(^♥^)/

A breeze on sunny day in panturaa


100614 1919

Kegeeran is not about failure after putting your hopes up. Its about enjoying the possibilities.

Its one cure of boredom.

Hello goodbye

June 3, 2014 hrs

Meet rizki. Anak umur 6 th, ganteng, putih, terpelajar. Beda ama pasien2 lainnya yg biasanya kulitnya cokelat, rambutnya merah ditempa matahari indramayu.

Berhasil making good relationship with him. Berhasil bikin dia making promise not to makan sembarangan, minum yg manis2 n ga sehat lagi kalo nanti udah sembuh. Pinky promise.

Berhasil conviced the family to have the bravery to decide that the baby should be operated today. Cito. Emergency. diffuse peritonitis ec susp appendicitis perforasi. instead of having 5 hrs driving with that life threatening condition to have surgery di santosa, bandung.

Passed away 4 hours after the laparotomy.

Even i cant let go.

Semoga senang ya rizki disana.. semoga ayah ibumu diberi kesabaran.