again, temporary.

"ALL things in life is TEMPORARY.
If going well, enjoy it, they won't last forever.
If going wrong, don't worry. they can't last long."

this used to give me great impact, my readers got inspired by those phrase.
i wonder why words dont affect me as much as they used to.


july 6, 2013. 1020 hrs

semalem nadhila ke kamar, we got some time untuk catching up with each others stories.

then, she came up with story that a friend, she refused to mention the name, menanyakan kenapa sejak obgin gw berubah. bahasanya sih gw jd less care, kalo diinterpretasiin shallowly sih semacam ignorant kali ya..

jawaban nadhila, si herdinda lagi bosen ama perkoasan.

jawaban gw dalem hati sih, mungkin karena gw udah ga mencintai hal yang dulu gw cintai.

lucu juga ngeliat hal yang dulu i had been fell madly sekarang jadi sesuatu yang mediocre.
prioritas berubah.

for better or worse? some get my better, some get my worse.
untuk diri gw sendiri sih, idk. i felt numb mostly.

mazel tov.

*i know i need to me more positive. :) at least im staying on medicine, thats a good thing.