penyemangat! #2

0735, dec 31
*kemarin di r. tutor, kelompok gw curhat2. bbm dari pide ini meant a lot, and i simply wanna record that here.

di tengah2 belajar ama astri di kamar, last night:
pide started: "semangaaat dindaa! So happy to have -something something- like you *wink"
me: "pideeeee, gw minta maaf ya, curhat gw yang tadi kayanya mengesankan gw ga ikhlas gitu. maafin yaa, me luff you all truly *sad. semangat juga pideeeee *hug. kita bisa!"
pide : nothing at all din, everybody has its limit and i know you've reached it *smile i know that you're not 'that' kind of person who counts all the things you've made *smile *enter Pastinya semua jd berkat buat dinda, amin din!"
me: "dear pidee, u r on my prayers. may you always be safe"

dan wejangan dari dr. eva:
"you cannot pleased everybody, it is yourself who needs to be pleased."
"andaikan ada hal2 yang dibawah ekspektasimu, pesan saya jangan sampai membuatmu jatuh. its only a matter of time. Jangan lupa bersyukur, hidupmu penuh berkah, semoga Allah melindungi kita semua, memberi kita kelancaran rejeki, dan semua urusan. aamiin."

push myself to the limit. semoga ini semua berakhir dengan bahagia.
my pray always to you @fkunpad2008

dear God has sense of humor..

to what i adore so much, RIGHT now. ayeuna pisan.

if yin and yang was invented as theory of every balance on earth,
then this is a balance between whats hard and whats joy.
tremendous coffee, we are craving for these kinda times, is completed by its opposite.
once i learned that steel and fire, wind and water, soil and light, destructs and constructs.
then greatness alone can do both,
weakness is what it needed, and then we're patched.


gw hanya menikmati saat ini, mungkin ga akan kembali. aneh, tapi seru. 
this is a limp, but hey we need to be grateful :)

oh 0330am yang entertaining :)

galav final sooca

Ini momen galav sooca-nya sangat amat sangat amat terlambat datangnya. 22 kasus dalam waktu 6 hari?

Biasa terlena ama hari2 di kkn, terlena ama fashion of procrastination selama ngerjain skripsi. Belum pernah hidup gw setidak teratur gini. -_-"

Galav sooca itu fisiologis. Tapi kalo BARU sekarang galaunya, ini patologis. Pathologic!

Dan tidur masih aja 8 jam sehari. Wih, herdinda -_- where's ur usual ambition?

#dearAllahcertainlywillhelp, tapi bukan berarti gw boleh nyante2 nyampah ginii -_-
#gimanamaungurusorang? Ngurusdirisendiriajacupu

Hhh.meluffyou@fkunpad2008.kita BISA!
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day #2 tweeting..

dec 26, 1342hrs

yayaya, ternyata tweeting emang seru, ga heran banyak orang keranjingan twitter. emang super cepet banget info bisa kesebar pake twitter ini. cepetnya kenapa ya karena memang most of the time they opened this program. like life will be recorded here, in their tweets. 

tergantung, ini bener2 depends on the users, some use it wisely, some not. some find some entertainments on its timeline, some make it a place to blurt the probs out. despite of its limited quantity of characters, it truly shows the diversity of tweeps.

beside my i-dont-know-when-posting about how i found so much negativity in this application, i finally came with this. that this is such a freedom, freedom of no courtesy, freedom to actually ignore, and ofcourse, freedom to portray actual toleration. orang boleh ngefollow, terserah mau ngefollow back atau engga, kalo they have enough    bravery, or let  us say, care, they will ask to be followed back. they can be as broad as they wanted to be in following news, people, anything. tweet2nya mungkin ga sepenuhnya fun to be seen, tapi ya itu, how much you can tolerate hal2 yang sebenernya ga penting, dan mungkin sedikit bikin risih.

tapi, so far, i have fun with this, ternyata. hahaha.. thanks technology :* cups.

dec 23rd was over.

dec 24, 0607

dec 23rd was finally over! that was the day i actually wanna skipped, but i am still glad that i  passed it through: these too will pass~

last night, after all the energy draining moments, i put this up on my bbm status: hari PALING ANEH sepanjang gw di fk. Lucu. Weird. Surprising.

1st off: fyi, i have this kind of dysfunction on my left ring finger. every time i tap the keyboard using this finger, pain radiates to proximal phallange, something felt like pain in its bone. i dont know why, becuase it occured in the middle of me typing. right now, i scarily use this finger for board a, s, and d. ga penting. haha. penting ini! kalo kaya gini terus, gw ga niat ngematch data ijazah. oh why i am so happy doing this data ijazah? weird.

2nd off: why did it surprise me? i received a text, from this friend (let us say, R) i hardly had conversation with.presence was merely hi and assalamualaykum.  R sent me about 5 pages of sms put together, it was about encouraging and assuring me that badai skripsi baru saja lewat, dan sekarang sooca, dan kita BISA! and that wasnt a kind of 'send to many' text message

yes, that was all about. i was kinda surprised, whats on earth R texted me? another random mood-booster, HAJAR SOOCA!

3rd off: why did i feel that the day was weird? because, to be honest, i had this crossed my mind: i dont wanna be in the farewell. not because of the melancholy reason that this was the final before sidang and all. i would rather doing something else, truly, rather than actually present in this event. but i was there anyway. ya iyalah. did i enjoy it? yes. bukan part nonton videonya, bukan part nyanyinya, dllnya. tapi part ketemu miko, whom i concerned, temen seperjuangan skripsi gw yang bener2 competed the time untuk dpt ttd. way to go miks! the part ketemu wado dan foto bareng piala, i dont know why, i have this certain feeling of adore ke wado, her care and responsiveness. the part ngobrol ama qayyum and finally tanri came in the mid of conversation, setelah sekian episodes of i dont know to whom i blurt this out. ketemu nadhila, bu atih, pak budi, tatata yg lain.

weird #2. this was the final day of final draft submission. i submitted mine days before, but the night before dec 23rd was heart-pounding, sleepless, worrisome, but still i in the end didnt know what was i worrying about, what was i fighting for? i need to allocate this energy of worrying anything that isnt my problem to something else. -_______-" i hate that i worried, in the end, about nothing. ya ga nothing juga sih. cuma ya, males aja kalo ternyata i was the only one who worried, sedangkan orang yang i worried for santai2 aja. oke. wrap up~! done talking about this.

4th of all: lucu. why? i wanna keep this to my self. my dear Allah has sense of humor. haha. so, happy weekend everyone :)

thanks Allah for letting me woke up in dec 24th today.

-ganti sprei
-ngosek kamar mandi
-ngumpulin draft2 sooca
-ke laundry
-nyegat primjas
-pasang musik, ngeliatin pemandangan
-sampe rumah, nonton tv, baru belajar.

-nonton mission impossible. kudu!

siapa yg setuju tanggal 23 itu hari yang paling aneh? otto. haha.

Tidak bisa..

Dec 22, 2035

Udah 2 orang, hari ini, yg nelpon gw. Intinya, they are ready to postpone program koas mereka.

In the end, we are all single fighters.

Karena sebaik apapun lokomotif try to pull, kalo ban gerbong rusak, ya lebih baik dilepas, for greater good. Biar ga lebih byk penumpang yg terlantar.

*akhir2 ini merasa bnr2 ga bisa curhat kemana-mana, ke siapa-siapa. Sampe mam bilang,'kamu kalo mau cerita gini ya ga perlu cerita ke mam juga sih..'
Bener2 ngerasain ga ada mishbah, nia, dan ketika yg lain sibuk skripsi, try to face nilai departemental, dan gw sendiri takut cerita krn everyone gets cranky, sensitive, termasuk gw juga (lalala), tiba2 dunia keciiill sekecil-kecilnya. Kaya balik ke anak toddler yang semua2nya diaduin ke nyokap.

Probably this is the time I need to redo my letters to Allah lebih intens, lebih aktual. Kembali kaya waktu dulu terdampar sendiri di antah berantah, ga nyangka, perasaan kaya gini masih ada.

Ternyata, I am still a single fighter.

Sebener2nya ngerasain butuh ngejar Tuhan, to actually present Him in every prayer.

In the remembrance of Allah, this heart finds rest.
Ga tau mesti ngapain.
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pap via telp: "bismillah, papa tau, dari dulu kalo kamu mau, kamu pasti bisa"

nadhila @ kantin : "these too, will pass. we shall overcome!" (dan kalo ga salah, ini ada di blognya fulki jaman kapan tau)

ubay via sms: "jangan sampe ngurusin temen, diri sendiri jadi g keurus ya din.."

pide via bbm: "jangan lupa status lu yg kemarin: 'skripsi? like i care. yang penting gw punya kesempatan mungut pahala n happy2 ama temen2 gw di fk'."

dr. Yulia: "apapun yang terjadi, sudah ada takdir. dan saya percaya takdir."

push myself to the limit. semoga ini semua berakhir dengan bahagia.
my pray always to you @fkunpad2008

izinkan saya ya Allah..


Untuk belajar gigih nulis skripsi way more than sekedar nulis blog.

*berharap hari kemarin balik lagi. Main pancing2an ikan2an.


dec 5, 0425

semalam bertugas jadi banmed osjur anak2 2010 teknik fisika ITB. theres nothing to be talked about but the splendid scenery of a night. anak2nya kuat2, mental diospeknya tinggi, jadi ya ga memble lah. yang dateng ke pos medis bukan yang psikosomatis, pura2 sakit dll yang biasanya gw liat di ospek fakultas di unpad. oops.

that was the 2nd night i have seen with millions and millions of stars are visible and are waited to be named. 1st night was on the road between utah dan texas. and that cilengkrang's night was clear dan terlihat seperti laut yang ditimpa sinar matahari yang hampir tenggelam. berkilapan.

langit sangat cerah. therefore the presence of a plane with speed of 1 cm/sec was rather dazzling. i was hoping for a chance seeing a fallen star, perhaps any other sky attractions. but that plane was soo obvious, i coudnt pretend that airplane in the night sky like shooting star.

i wanna see the outer space, its galaxies, giant planets,the ring of the saturn, the satellites. haaaaa. mau jadi astronot ajah~


melegenda beneran!

dec 1, 2227hrs

jujur, seneng. semacam pride angkatan keangkat lagi setelah menang olymphiart kemarin.
jujur ya jujur:

gw seneng tanri menang n jadi presiden bem, karena somehow bikin tanri nicer. mungkin krn tanri sendiri kangen ngurusin angkatan. jauh jauh jauh lebih down to earth. gw senang tanri 'berubah' kaya power ranger! -__-" ini emang jalan yang paling baik deh buat tanri, at least the fact that he is getting nicer itu something surprising :) tahniah tahniah.. *diam-diam mengharap bisa cuti setahun e.c. sesuatu yang menaikkan self-esteem. lalala. tanri itu pemimpin yang begitu dia berdiri, semua orang hormat.

gw seneng bisa kerja sama ama ubay. ini orang nih, masyaAllah warnanya banyak bgt, easy goingnya keterlaluan, pas dalam memposisikan dirinya, kayanya semua orang click ke ubay itu ga butuh waktu lama. dan dan dan harus tau, gw dan fulki td foto bareng ubay, apakah semua anak di angkatan dpt kesempatan yang sama? nyatanya, engga. apakah ada yg mencoba mendapatkan fotonya ubay tanpa sepengetahuan ubay? haha, ada mamen -___-" *no further explanation. ubay itu pemimpin yang begitu dia berdiri, semua orang happy.


Terima kasih ya Allah mendamparkan aku ke angkatan ini :)